Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tool - 10,000 Days

OK, this is what I wait months, even years for. Tool is THE band whose albums I always anticipate the most. Why? Because it only happens every three years or longer. Tool also shows much growth and change over each album. I first heard Tool when "Sober" came out, and I really didn't get that into them because that video creeped me out big time. I also assumed they were a metal band, and I'm just not that into metal. When I finally heard the rest of their stuff, and their irregular rhythms and lyrics, and styles I realize they are more progressive than anything. In fact, they name King Crimson as an influence.

I love every Tool CD differently. When I first heard 10,000 Days I didn't think it was as good as Lateralus, but with each listening I see it's just different, and reflects the band's current style. It opens with "Vicarious" which just floors me with its guitars and drums. It's a song about the schadenfreude we get from watching death and destruction on the news. It really makes one question why we watch tragedy and feel a slight thrill mixed with the sadness. Fear perhaps causing and adrenaline rush.

The masterpiece of this album is "Wings for Marie (part 1)" and "10,000 Days (Wings part 2)" which eerily tells of the slow death of Maynard Keenan's mother. The first part reminds me of a cathedral kind of atmosphere. The second part's use of rain and thunder is really effective. Also, you can remix "Viginti Tres" followed by "Wings for Marie" so one then the other plays on top of "10,000 Days" for a new song. It's a real interesting listen if you got the software.

I like all the songs on this CD. I love the vocoder solo on "Jambi" even if it sounds a little Bon Jovi-esque. Hey, when Tool does it, it's cool. "Lost Keys" and "Rosetta Stoned" go together, and describe a patient's bad acid trip. Really scary. My least favorite is "Lapin" for its Native American chanting. I don't really get when bands do that, and maybe I missed how it honors the tribe.

This is a must purchase for any Tool fan, or fan of A Perfect Circle, that other band Maynard is in. It's as dark as any of the others, maybe even darker.

For further reading:
Tool's homepage
All Music Guide's Tool entry
Wikipedia's Tool entry

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