Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Psapp - The Only Thing I Ever Wanted

How can I describe Psapp? I don't think I can. This is a band I just stumbled upon, and I've not really heard anything like it. I don't like simply assigning a genre to it. I found it under electronica, and downtempo, but I don't think that qualifies. Wikipedia uses the term "toytronica," which means they find toys and the like and see what sounds they can get out of them. It's a duo, Carim Clasmann and Galia Durant. Durant does the vocals.

This CD is their second, and it kicks off with "Hi." Right away I love the percussion. I can't even to begin to guess what instruments I'm hearing, besides the obvious guitar, which actually sounds traditional. The vocals are breathy, and almost otherworldly.

"This Way" has a shuffling feel to it, like feet being dragged through fresh fallen snow. The background cooing of "oohs" behind the lead vocals are rather soothing. Throughout the song there's a chirping melody being made by who knows what.

The songs bear a lot of similarities to each other to me. I'm sure with repeated listenings I will hear more differences. I'm not saying the sameness makes this a bad album, it may just be the fact they're all of a new style to me. One of the melodies of "Needle and Thread" reminds me of one in "Hi," though. But I do love the chorus: "Don't you break, I will not let you. I'll make sure they will not get you."

"Tricycle" has a real fun rhythm. It bounces right along, and sounds very childlike. On the other end, "The Words" is darker, and sounds hurried. The tones sound like they're from some kind of computer. The chorus is one I can find myself singing along with.
I don't doubt
I know you know me
It's about
The words that throw me

There is one song that definitely stands out from the rest of the album. "Make Up" is just Durant singing accompanied only with a piano. It's more traditional, and the song is rather sad sounding, but it seems to still fit in with the rest of the CD's playfulness. Every child needs a naptime.

This is a really, really fun album. I've not heard the first Psapp CD, but I want to now. This is like discovering a whole new world of music for me, and I encourage those who just want to feel carefree and youthful to check out Psapp.

For further reading:
Psapp's home page
All Music Guide's Psapp entry
Wikipedia's Psapp entry

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